Book Marketing

Book Marketing Services

The process of marketing your bookā€™s launch is not a post-publishing affair. You need to set in place a proper book marketing campaign before you even release your novel for readers in the market. 

With hundreds of books being published every single day, a well-planned marketing campaign will help not only reach a wider reader-base for your novel but also ensure that your beloved work is not forgotten within months of release. 

We at Booksloveme publishing do just that. We offer a wide range of book Marketing Services going above and beyond to help you make your books reach an expansive reader base. Our book marketing services include a marketing strategy for the big launch of your book. We help you create the right kind of buzz for your big release with well-measured ad campaigns and targeted ad campaigns across platforms like Google, Instagram, Facebook and youtube.Ā 

We help you understand the preferences of your targeted demographic of readers. As a part of our marketing services we also offer you and your workspace under ā€œFeatured Authorā€ across the official social media websites and social media handles of Booksloveme Publishing House.

You can carefully monitor the effectiveness of your ads and request changes in the marketing campaigns accordingly. Our Public Relations experts will help you create author profiles across various platforms to help interested readers reach your landing page.Ā 

Our book marketing services also include an option for you to connect with a vast writers community which will help you in the mutual promotion and provide a means to expand your audience. If you need help in creating promotional content for your book launch, don’t worry.Ā 

We have just the service for you. Get online countdown posters to share with your followers. In days leading up to and right after the publishing of your book, Booksloveme helps you find early reviewers for your book along with drafting and maintaining mailing lists for capturing interested readers. With Bookslovesme ā€˜s book marketing services, the future of your book is in good hands!