Services We Offer

Services we Offer

Publishing a successful book needs lots of skills, weather it is a  attractive cover design or book formatting. You are good at writing, and we are good at these skills. You have done your work, and now allow us to do the remaining for you.

ISBN and Copyright

ISBN Registration

ISBN gives a unique identity to the book and it is mandatory around the globe. It is an international standard and the process to avail this is different in each country.

Copyright Registration

Copyright is different from ISBN. Copyright registration lets you own the rights of your book so that no one uses your hard work without legal permission.


A barcode stores all the data about the book as well as the author. It must be printed on the back so that online and offline book stores can track its information.

Interior Design

Cover Design

Cover design makes the first impression of your book to the reader. Make it attractive and long lasting.


Illustrations make the story more appealing to the reader. It helps the reader to relate with the story. Our designers know how to make a perfect illustration.

Interior Beautification

Interior Beautification refers to a service where we enhance the interior quality of the book. Whether it is changing the font or the placement of images, we will beautify the book.

Book Formatting and Layout

Making the book more presentable to the reader is one of the important aspects, and a typical one. This skill needs experience and creativity, and we have it.

Book Editing

Book Editing refers to the enhancement of sentences and their meanings. We have expert editors who have been editing books for a long time and know how to do it perfectly.


Print on Demand

Print on Demand service gives more freedom to the author without investing any extra money. When you opt for our services, we will make sure to store some inventory of your book, so that once one there is a demand, we must supply it.

Book Type

Whether it is paperback or hardcover, we got you covered. In fact, we provide all kinds of printing solutions to the authors so that they can focus more on writing.

Book Size

Our standard size for paperback is 5.5″ X 8.8″. But, if there is a demand or requirement for another size, we would be more happy to work with you.

eBook Creation

Nowadays, people tend to divert more towards eBook rather than buying a paperback version due to the current pandemic. Our team knows how to make a perfect eBook so that it can work on all devices.


National and International Online Distribution

People are moving fast towards the internet. If you have a successful book but the availability is not good, you are not going to earn much. But, If you have a good book but the availability is global, you can earn more money; practically.

National and International Offline Distribution

Some people are old school. They tend to purchase a book after looking at its index, content, images, illustrations, and more. In short, after feeling the book by bare hands. So, offline is as important as online distribution.


Author Website

Author’s website is a one stop solution to know all about the author and its books. Also, it helps other people to reach the author easily for any kind of query.

Book Reviews

Book reviews of any book provide credibility and trust to other readers. It also give a purchase signal to the reader if they found the review good.

Amazon Sponsored Ads

Amazon Sponsored ads help the author to reach more audience and sell more copies. In simple words, it acts like showing the book to the audience who are more likely to purchase it.

Instagram Ads

Instagram Sponsored ads help the author to reach more audience and sell more copies. In simple words, it acts like showing the book to the audience who are more likely to purchase it.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Sponsored ads help the author to reach more audience and sell more copies. In simple words, it acts like showing the book to the audience who are more likely to purchase it.

Book Launch Event

Book Launch events create a hype about the book and the recognition of the author that helps the book to kick start the sale instantly.

Online and Offline Press Release

Online and Offline press releases help the book reach a wider audience. Depending on the releasing platform, it enhances credibility in the market.

Book Trailer Video

In India, the audience of Video sharing platforms like YouTube is vast and is increasing day by day. Launching the trailer on such a platform helps the book to gain more impressions, and hence more sales.

Author's Page Setup

There are a number of platforms like Amazon and Goodreads where an author can create a profile. This helps the reader to know about the author and his previous works as well. It acts like a personal page to the author.

Author Interviews

When someone completes a book of an author, he/she goes online and searches about the author to know more about. For this, an author interview works best, and we have different platforms which can fulfill this requirement.

Author Branding

Author branding is like selling a brand in spite of its product. And, people love to do this due to trust issues. If we can help you establish a brand, your work will be recognized automatically.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is the marketing of today’s world. This is one of the easiest forms of marketing where an influencer influences its audience to purchase a brand’s product.