‘There are fires that spread gradually. Then there are those fires that spread in no time. They offer no time to douse them and burn everything that comes in their way.’ Your dreams are mine now by Ravinder Singh is a story of fire belonging to the second category. This is the story of the fire that spread throughout India. Story of the time when a pure and innocent soul was torn apart and snatched from this world.

This is a tragic tale of a young man who was wronged by life on many fronts. Yet he stood up for what was right every single time. This is the story of a girl, with a pure heart and innocent soul, who fought for what she believed in. This is an innocent love story amidst the world of politics and conspiracies.

Your dreams are mine now ratings
Your Dreams are Mine Now Ratings

‘Your dreams are mine now’, is romantic fiction with a tragic element. This is a story capable of making the reader giddy with excitement, giggle with joy and cry with anguish. This is a story of the struggle for doing what is right. A story of the fight for change, in the system and in the mentality of people. It beautifully depicts inward struggles of thoughts and emotions in young minds.

Also, it conveys the physical struggles youth of the nation goes through for a change in a system. All the while highlighting the importance of raising a voice against corruption. The importance of voting for the right public representative is also stated in this book.

About the author: Ravinder Singh.

India’s one of the best selling authors Ravinder Singh presents another heart touching story. Under the title, ‘Your dreams are mine now’.

Author Ravinder singh - Booksloveme
Author : Ravinder Singh

His life gave him a tragic story. He shared it with us through his debut novel. That heart touching story won millions of hearts and gave him recognition as best selling author. Writing also helped him in dealing with the pain he was suffering due to the death of his beloved.

He was born in a small town called Burla in Odisha. Most of his childhood was spent there. He got a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. After graduation, he has worked with organizations like Infosys and Microsoft. Also, he is an ISB, Hyderabad alumni, having pursued MBA there. Later, he decided to pursue his writing interest when he had the idea that writing stories are more fun than writing project plans.

Later, he started his own publishing house, called ‘Black ink’, to publish debut authors. Helping them in making their dream come true.

His works are often hearted touching with a realistic element to them. And ‘Your dreams are mine now’ follows the trend.


His other works include:

  1. Can love happen twice?
  2. I too had a love story.
  3. Like it happened yesterday.
  4. Love stories that touched my heart.
  5. Tell me a story.
  6. The belated Bachelor party.
  7. Will you still love me?

Book Review: ‘Your dreams are mine now’.

This story revolves around a young eighteen-year-old girl, named Rupali. And a senior in her college, Arjun. Rupali’s from Patna, Bihar. She’s innocent, sweet, simple, kind-hearted. An idealistic student completely focused on her studies. While he is charismatic, rough, perhaps even scary at first glance. He’s a youth leader, completely invested in politics.

After a patchy start due to disturbing first impressions, Rupali ends up thinking of him as a stereotypical politician. But when a conspiracy comes into the light, Rupali steps forwards to fight against wrong. To fight for justice, and to protect an innocent soul who was harmed. Arjun joins the forces with her to help her in this journey. Justice is served and the culprit goes behind the bars….

Later, as the story unfolds, their personalities are revealed. Rupali’s bravery, honesty, strength and brilliance. Along with Arjun’s passion, kindness, thoughtfulness and considerate nature shine throughout the story.

Your Dreams are Mine Now
Your Dreams are Mine Now

As they get to know each other, the chemistry between them gradually develops. With dissolving prejudices, both of them fall in love. And thus blooms a sweet, innocent love story in the cruel world that is full of monsters.

But in the end, a tragedy strikes their happy world. The unthinkable happens and the story is left at a point when there is no turning back. The happy lives of Rupali and Arjun have been torn apart with a blow from the beast ruling the society. Arjun’s world is turned upside down, with the most devastating loss in his life. And Rupali… her world is torn apart, with not even shreds left behind. Her life takes a turn where she is forced to endure a thousand deaths alive, before being left to die in the cold of night

Issues addressed in “Your Dreams are Mine Now”

This book does not only focus on romantic elements, but it also gives emphasis on various social issues in India, from corruption and sexual harassment to discrimination on the basis of ethnicity of an individual.

Right from the start of the story, Ravinder focuses on the positives and negatives of Indian society. Using the niche of Delhi University as an example. Anti-ragging measures, positive changes brought in because of campus elections and politics, active inclusion in the process and its importance, highlight secularism being a few of the positive aspects.

The major focus in this story is on negative aspects and issues Indian society faces. Right from the reservation on the basis of caste and its misuse by those in authority; ignorant and sheep minded public, fear of masses among the populace; communalism; the role of religions; opportunistic politicians; ignorant and TRP based media; deficiency of India in sports except for cricket; exclusion of and discrimination against ethnic minorities based in the northeast region in India; lack of recognition and unity with seven sister states and majorly, issues concerning women, be it sexual harassment on public and workplaces or downright increase in rape cases, what victim suffers through and how the society perceives them with lack of sympathetic attitude plays an important role in this story.

All these are major issues not just in the book, but also in Indian society. The rate of crime against women is increasing day by day. And the author has spoken about all these issues and concerns admirably.

Thoughts on ‘Your dreams are mine now’.

This is a heart-touching, simple and well-written story, with well-developed characters. Although the simplicity of Rupali seems exaggerated at times. We fall in love with her and Arjun as the story progresses.

The story evolves beautifully until the last few chapters. Where we get the telltale signs of a major plot twist that changes the fate of the story. Similar to the Nirbhaya rape case in Delhi, which shooked the whole nation to its core, this story awakens the burning fury in the mind of the reader, due to the sheer injustice delivered to a pure soul.

Justice for Innocent Soul

An innocent girl who never harmed a single soul in her life. She encounters something horrible at the hands of a professor in her college. Taking a stand for justice, she makes sure that the professor is behind the bars with the help of a few others.

She slowly yet effectively works for the change. And accomplishes many things that seemed impossible before. But when the story was at its peak of happiness, she’s destroyed and left broken to die in the most inhuman way possible. Leaving others behind with a sense of injustice and vast emptiness in their lives.

This story touches the heart of the reader. Awakening a fire in heart, the same fire which was in the heart of the nation after the Nirbhaya case. The author aptly describes the condition of the nation after the incident. Along with the condition of everyone who was close to the victim.

Though it must be mentioned that trigger warnings may apply for the last few chapters. But the sad thing is, this end of the story might end up giving a pessimistic message. Indirectly saying that if someone does stand up for the rights of others, they might end up being taken out of the equation as well. But it is the possibility of this happening that must be changed and for that, youth has to wake up! Change can never take place as long as the public suffers in silence.

Befitting title of the book

The author expresses that the title of this book was not his choice. ‘Your dreams are mine now’ is the title that was selected by someone else. And he went along with it, although reluctantly. But the title of the book aptly manages to express the emotional connection between the lead male and female protagonists. In a sweet moment full of love, Arjun promises Rupali that her dreams were his, and fights for her dreams and the justice she deserved after her demise.

Along with that, in a deeper sense, ‘Your dreams are mine now’ expresses the connection between the characters and the readers. Readers end up feeling like the dreams of Rupali are their own to fulfil. The sense of social responsibility is awakened because of the ending this story has. It highlights the sheer devastation victims, their family and close ones go through. But the hopes of the reader get torn apart along with every dying breath she takes.

What I liked the most

The chemistry between lead characters is the element I liked the most in this story. The slowly developing romance between Rupali and Arjun is the highlight of the story. We get attached to the characters more and more along with every interaction they share. The sweet and innocent romance is irresistible. Awkward yet lovely moments shared by them is a major factor that keeps a reader hooked to the story.

The simple language the author has used is another point I like in this story. Along with well-described scenes and interactions. The issues addressed in the book hold major importance in the real world. Hence relatability is another positive point in this story.

The Influence of youth in leadership and the impact youth can have on a nation is another aspiring point. Leadership skills shown by characters, and most importantly their will to do what is right is an admirable feature of this book.

What I didn’t like

The writing is simple, but the first few chapters may come off as slow-paced and sloppy to some readers. Thankfully the latter part of the story is much better.

The prologue of this story gives away the climax and makes the whole plot predictable. This spoils the ending. The plot of this story lacks creativity and originality. All the highlighted issues of society are picked up and placed into the story.

Hence many of the issues discussed are not given enough time or attention to make the reader aware of their consequences. So the lack of creativity and the spoiled climax was a bit of a turn off for me.

The tragic ending of this story is another thing I didn’t like. The chemistry between characters is enchanting. And when it comes to an abrupt end, happy ending lovers like myself are sorely disappointed.

Besides all this, this story was a captivating one.


Change won’t begin till you take a stand and refuse to suffer in silence. Change in a stagnant system is most important in a democracy. And bringing that change is in the hands of the public. But, destroying public property under government regulation is not the way to do it. Instead, you need to raise your voice when you see someone suffering, to help them.

You need to overcome your fears and worries to do what is right. And until and unless each and every citizen of India does not realise this, innocent souls would pay the price. It’s our failure that such incidents happen. Our failure to vote for the right person would end up doing exactly what happened in the book.

This book sensitively plays around a gravely important issue. And although the end is heartbreaking, this book is worth a read.

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