She is a Slut. This one line is enough to make Ishana (lead character) lose her calm and lash out on the person she is dealing with.

Why? Because this word supposedly wipes out all good deeds of a person for the public. Ishana is the perfect example of what people call ‘Beauty with brains.’

But what if I told you that underneath this beautiful face, there is a past that is too treacherous to imagine? Would that make you curious enough to want to read it?

If you are like I, I assume that you are interested in knowing what makes people the way they are. The Slut Chronicles: Betrayed is going to change the way you judge people.

I promise you that this story is nothing like you have ever read before. Everyone has a dark chapter in their life, which they keep it hidden in hearts, and it takes a lot of courage to speak it out loud and expose it to the world.

The judgment of society is too harsh for anyone to handle. But in this review, I’m going to display my most nonjudgmental opinion about this novel and how it changed the way I look at people.

About the Author: Kritika Sharma

Kritika Sharma is an author, blogger, reviewer, and Associate Director is Neilson, India. She started writing from a very young age and published her first, Srishti, book in 2013.

Sharma is a mother by the day and an author by night. Writing is her hobby and she loves reading reviews about her books more than the money she gets from it.

Her other hobbies include singing, cooking, and sleeping. The author is introverted and has a very simple and down to earth personality.

Her series of The Slut Chronicles is her best selling series of all time.

Other Novels of Kritika Sharma:

  • Live-in With A Ghost
  • Treacherous Desires
  • Manage Your Manager

The Slut Chronicles: Betrayed Book Review

Let me start by saying that the story of The Slut Chronicles: Betrayed, is very realistic.

The main character, Ishana, is a model who is at the apex of her career. But she is often given the tag of ‘slut’.

She loses her calm at the presence of that word. Ishana often tops the headlines of newspapers due to her anger outbursts when men casually approach her and judge her character.

One day when she is at her favorite bar, an upcoming writer approaches her asking if he could write her biography.

At first, she hesitates, but finally, she starts narrating her story.

The Toxic Family

In 2001, Ishana was in 10th grade. But that’s not to say that her life was easy as most of ours. Her mother was more of a monster to her.

She used to emotionally and physically harass Ishana. She wanted a lavish and luxurious life and didn’t get it.

I guess that is why she was a torturer to her daughter. What did Ishana’s father say about this? He had no idea what his wife was doing.

He used to leave early for work and come home late. According to Ishana, her father was a very gentle and loving person, the complete opposite of Ishana’s mother.

Ishana’s brother, Rakshit, knew half-truth. He was aware that his mother scolded Ishana over unrelated stuff but he didn’t know about the physical torture like beatings with hand or stick, and electric shocks.

The “Love” At First Sight’ McDreamy

Amid all this misery, her only distraction is Dev Shah, the boy who lives in her neighborhood. The window of Dev is exactly in front of her home’s window.

Dev is the son of a rich politician. Ishana and Dev exchange eye glance every day till Dev’s birthday, the day finally, she gathers up the courage to whisper him, “Happy Birthday.”

Sometime later, Ishana asks him if he can join Khanna coaching academy for extra studies, and surprisingly, he agrees.

During the classes with him, she observes that Dev doesn’t have the slightest interest in studying and nor does he let her study.

Dev keeps distracting Ishana by passing her notes or touching her hands or shoulder. Ishana’s best friend, Shiva (short for Shivani), tries to warn her about Dev but Ishana ignores her.

After a while, Dev tells her that he is moving to Chennai till exams because his father found out about their relationship.

But while he is away, Ishana receives the biggest shock of her life, the truth about Dev (No, I am not going to give you spoilers).

After he returns, Ishana acts as if she doesn’t know anything about dev and starts ignoring him.

The One Used For Revenge

For making Dev even more jealous, Ishana starts talking to the son of the owner of her teaching institute, Kunal Khanna.

She starts tutoring Kunal in the subjects he is weak, but even that little talk is enough to make Dev mad with rage.

After a very dramatic breakup with Dev, Ishana starts dating Kunal. He is very sweet to her and helps her out in every possible way.

Shiva and Sarv, Ishana’s platonic friend, are convinced that Kunal is the right guy for Ishana and they both strongly support their relationship.

Kunal always stays in his limits and never hurts Ishana about anything. Until…. he shows his true colors…..

What I like in The Slut Chronicles: Betrayed

I am in love with the plot of The Slut Chronicles: Betrayed and the message it gives. Women’s characters are often questioned because of what they wear and what they do.

They are taught to quietly ignore these things and not to stand up for themselves. The portrait of Ishana’s family is very common in certain households of India and people need to know that such behavior can mentally affect a child. Like Ishana, many children do the wrong things just for affection.

I love how the bond between Ishana and Sarv. It is just like a brother and sister.

It breaks the misunderstanding that ‘a boy and a girl cannot be platonic friends.’ The character of Shiva in The Slut Chronicles: Betrayed is something that can be considered as best friend’s goal.

Shiva rushes to help Ishana when she comes tllo know about the dev. She regrets leaving Ishana’s side and promises herself never to do it again.

Overall, I’ll just say that The Slut Chronicles: Betrayed is neatly shaped into the message that it is giving and I love it.

The Parts That Made Me Uncomfortable

The end fate of Kunal is uneasy for me to read. I’ll spare the spoilers, but that scene was too brutal.

And talking about a fifteen-year-old did it, it is just disturbing.

Conclusion of The Slut Chronicles: Betrayed

Kritika Sharma has elaborated on these thoughts and sayings….

“Do not judge a book by its cover.”

“A friend in need is a friend in deed.”

Ishana is expressing every girl’s reaction to being called the S-word. It is disrespectful and inappropriate.

No one has the right to call anyone such names under any circumstances. But there’s more!

The writer has left us on a cliff-hanger. ‘Enslaved’ is the second part and continuation of Ishana’s biography.

She tells the writer about the remaining of her story and more of her struggles.

But who betrayed her? What did Ishana do to the people who betrayed her? Find it out in The Slut Chronicles: Betrayed.

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